
The IFRC is keen to widen our range of suppliers in order to find quality goods and services at competitive prices that will support us to deliver our mission. 

Supplying to the IFRC

    To become a registered supplier with the IFRC, there are several conditions that you must meet. We stipulate that our suppliers:

    As a general rule, the IFRC:

    • only purchases goods and services with a humanitarian purpose
    • registers and validates suppliers with whom we do business
    • purchases from manufacturers and authorized representatives
    • purchases products that comply with recognized technical standards
    • invites a range of suppliers to submit tenders
    • uses competitive tendering for all procurement
    • engages with suppliers strongly committed to sustainability

    If you are interested in supplying to the IFRC, please use the relevant contact form below. Once completed, please email it to [email protected]

    Tender documents

    We uses two standard documents in our competitive tender process: the Request for Quotation (RFQ) and the Request for Proposal (RFP).

    • A Request for Quotation (RFQ) is used as the standard document for the procurement of goods of standard or clearly definable specifications. The final contractual document is either a purchase order or formal contract.
    • A Request for Proposal (RFP) is used as the standard document for procurement of goods and services where the technical specifications cannot be precisely determined, or are of a complicated or specialized technical nature which requires significant input from the supplier. The final contractual document may be either a purchase order or a formal contract.

    General terms and conditions

    As a supplier of the IFRC, you are required to accept our general terms and conditions. Purchase orders and contracts do not come into effect until you have accepted the terms and conditions in writing.

    Please note that our standard procurement documents include the minimum required terms and conditions, which apply to all procurements. However, if we have a requirement of a specialized nature, then we may add additional conditions to the standard terms and conditions.

    You can download our general terms and conditions here:

    Framework agreements

    We use framework agreements with selected suppliers who agree to supply goods and/or services in a more efficient way. They can be used for standard emergency goods and services such as kitchen sets, blankets, jerry cans, mosquito nets, health kits, vehicles, personal protective equipment, cash-based intervention services, and IT devices. The IFRC usually sets framework agreements for a two-year period.

    Framework agreements are an integral part of the IFRC’s global strategy for pre-positioned stock. Suppliers working within a framework agreement also agree to store an agreed quantity of goods either at their premises or at the regional warehouses in Dubai, Kuala Lumpur, and Panama. This pre-positioning of stock means that we have a guaranteed stock level at any given time.

    Click here to see a list of IFRC global and regional framework agreements.

    Frequently asked questions